Expert Stamp Grading

For collectors of stamps, ASG provides an accurate, consistent and impartial assessment of authenticity and grade, backed by the comprehensive ASG Guarantee, which protects buyers and sellers. ASG is part of the Certified Collectibles Group, whose mission is to empower collectors with services that ignite passion, create value and build community.

Verify ASG Certification

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What is ASG Certification Verification?

This tool can help you to verify that your ASG holder is genuine and has not been tampered with. It can also be a useful starting point to research your ASG-certified stamp.


Enter a stamp's ASG certification number (circled in the image) to confirm its description and grade in ASG's database and, if available, view the images of the stamp taken by ASG.

Stamps We Grade

View the full listing of stamps we grade.

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How to Submit

Learn how to submit stamps to ASG for expert authentications and grading.

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